Work on some "loose ends!"
Come join us on Thursday, July 1st at 7:00pm.
There will be several projects going on at once- pick one or split your time.
1. Quilt tying- help us tie a quilt, and enjoy chatting with the other women while you work! (Please bring sewing scissors if you have them.)
2. Sewing for Dummies- experts will be on hand to help with your sewing needs and to answer questions. Learn how to tie the perfect knot, sew on a button or zipper, hem pants, etc. Bring whatever you'd like to work on; we'll supply the help. Several sewing demonstrations will be showcased.
3. Glass etching
Or... bring your own project to work on!
Childcare will be provided.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Inspirational Quote
"The Lord is anxious to do us good, to enlighten our minds, to inform our judgment, to unfold unto us His will, and to strengthen us and prepare us for the great events that must transpire in these last days. He is desirous to show us how to save ourselves, how to bless ourselves temporally and spiritually, intellectually, morally, physically, politically and in every possible way that He is capable of bestowing His blessings upon fallen humanity" (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor, p. 178).
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Today's Quote
"If any of you are struggling with contention in your homes, you can change this. Talk with your family. Ask for their help. Tell them you don't want a contentious spirit in the home anymore and discuss what each family member can do to prevent it." M. Russell Ballard, "The Sacred Responsibilities of Parenthood," Ensign, Mar. 2006, 32
Friday, June 25, 2010
Today's Quote
“Some Church members feel weighed down with discouragement about the circumstances of their personal lives, even when they are making sustained and admirable efforts. Frequently, these feelings of self-disappointment come not from wrongdoing, but from stresses and troubles for which we may not be fully to blame. The Atonement of Jesus Christ applies to these experiences because it applies to all of life. The Savior can wipe away all of our tears, after all we can do…The Savior’s atonement is…the healing power not only for sin, but also for carelessness, inadequacy, and all mortal
bitterness. The Atonement is not just for sinners.” Bruce C. Hafen, Ensign, Apr 1990, 7
bitterness. The Atonement is not just for sinners.” Bruce C. Hafen, Ensign, Apr 1990, 7
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Inspirational Quote
“One of the big things that [the adversary] has to work on is the fact that we are all poor, weak mortals and fully appreciate our own weakness, and he tries to take advantage of our knowledge on this point to inspire us with the idea that we are no good and what we are doing is not worth the time that we are taking to do it.” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Heber J. Grant, 33
Monday, June 21, 2010
Today's Quote
"Mingle together as opportunity affords. It is important that we do so. We need others to talk with, to share our feelings with, with whom to share our faith. Cultivate friends. Begin by being a good friend to others" (The Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, p. 429).
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Today's Quote
“By the assistance of our Heavenly Father there is no obligation and no law in the Church that we cannot fulfill. The Lord will give us the strength and the ability to accomplish every duty and labor that rests upon us in an acceptable manner in his sight. The only question is, have we the disposition?” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Heber J. Grant, 33
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Inspirational Quote
“Let us trust the Lord, trust ourselves, and trust each other that we are trying to do the best we can. We need all the strength we can find for our daily trials. Let us not add our disapproval to [another’s] burdens. And as we struggle with our own burdens, let us not diminish our strength by accepting the perhaps thoughtless judgments of others.”
Chieko N. Okazaki, Ensign, Nov 1994, 92
Chieko N. Okazaki, Ensign, Nov 1994, 92
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Today's Quote
"Why should it be so hard for rich men to enter the kingdom? Wealth should give a man independence, time and opportunity to serve others and worship his God. It should give him a chance to alleviate suffering, teach righteousness and further all good works.
"But frequently it seems to accentuate selfishness, encourage aloofness, create class distinction, and it too often blinds its possessor to the opportunity of uncompensated service to those who cannot reward him. . . . [The rich young man's] sins were of omission and not so much of commission" (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 356-357).
"But frequently it seems to accentuate selfishness, encourage aloofness, create class distinction, and it too often blinds its possessor to the opportunity of uncompensated service to those who cannot reward him. . . . [The rich young man's] sins were of omission and not so much of commission" (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 356-357).
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Today's Quote
"Not all truth is of the same value or importance. Some truths are greater than others. The greatest truth, or the greatest truths, we find in the fundamentals of the gospel of Jesus Christ. First of all, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world, who came into this world to die that men might live. That truth we should know. It is far more important to know that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer, that he has given unto us the principles of eternal life, than it is to know all that can be obtained in secular education" (Joseph Fielding Smith, Take Heed To Yourselves!, p. 158).
Friday, June 11, 2010
Today's Quote
“We should learn to be patient with ourselves. Recognizing our strengths and our weaknesses, we should strive to use good judgment in all of our choices and decisions, make good use of every opportunity, and do our best in every task we undertake. We should not be unduly discouraged nor in despair at any time when we are doing the best we can. Rather, we should be satisfied with our progress even though it may come slowly at times.” Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Patience, a Key to Happiness,” Ensign, May 1987, 30
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Today's Quote
“I believe that we can accomplish any object that we make up our minds to, and no boy or girl ought to sit down and say, because they cannot do as well as somebody else, that they will not do anything. God has given to some people ten talents; to others, he has given one; but they who improve the one talent will live to see the day when they will far outshine those who have ten talents but fail to improve them.” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Heber J. Grant, 33
Monday, June 7, 2010
Today's Quote
"Religion is the most potent power in life. Spiritual development and moral integrity are fundamental in the lives not only of the Latter-day Saints but of all who would build a community that will contribute to the safety and advancement of our republic or of any other nation" (The Teachings of David O. McKay, p. 99).
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Today's Quote: Being Teachable
"By being teachable, we activate the full force and blessings of the Atonement in our lives. We become sensitive to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit so that the righteous principles taught by the prophets and the truths from the earth can place Christ deeply into our lives. We become His true disciples." Robert R. Steuer, “Being Teachable,” Liahona, Jul 2002, 34–36
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Today's Quote
"In our homes, brethren and sisters, it is our privilege, nay, it is our duty, to call our families together to be taught the truths of the holy scriptures. In every home, children should be encouraged to read the word of the Lord, as it has been revealed to us in all dispensations. We should read the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price, not only read it in our homes, but explain it to our children, that they may understand the dealings of God with the peoples of the earth. Let us see if we cannot do more of this in the future than we have done in the past" (The Teachings of George Albert Smith, p. 127-128).
Friday, June 4, 2010
Inspirational Thought: Healing
Individuals struggling to heal may be led to talk to a bishop or stake president. They may be inspired to trust a friend. The Holy Spirit may impress upon them the importance of attending Church meetings or going to the temple. Daily scripture study becomes an anchor of stability and a source of inspiration. When necessary they are often helped in finding a counselor or therapist who will prayerfully help them on their journey.
One sister was inspired to become more fully involved in Relief Society, and she found exactly what she needed from loving sisters in her ward. “For me, Relief Society has all that any recovery group has to offer, with the added advantage of living in the great association of Latter-day Saints and with the benefit of values and friendships that Heavenly Father would want for me,” she wrote. “What I had to do was take an active part and appreciate the opportunities I found there.”
Another woman found Church attendance to be crucial. “For me, consistent Church attendance was absolutely necessary,” she said. “If it is hard to pray, it seems impossible to even think of attending church, especially if you have a family. But as I partook of the sacrament, I felt the Holy Spirit. My children learned about reverence and felt the spiritual atmosphere in the meetinghouse. Consistency was crucial; it brought close friendships and a positive influence on my children.”
In April 1994 general conference, Elder Richard G. Scott spoke of healing, testifying that “the surest, most effective, and shortest path to healing comes through application of the teachings of Jesus Christ in your life”
“The Journey to Healing,” Ensign, Sep 1997, 19
One sister was inspired to become more fully involved in Relief Society, and she found exactly what she needed from loving sisters in her ward. “For me, Relief Society has all that any recovery group has to offer, with the added advantage of living in the great association of Latter-day Saints and with the benefit of values and friendships that Heavenly Father would want for me,” she wrote. “What I had to do was take an active part and appreciate the opportunities I found there.”
Another woman found Church attendance to be crucial. “For me, consistent Church attendance was absolutely necessary,” she said. “If it is hard to pray, it seems impossible to even think of attending church, especially if you have a family. But as I partook of the sacrament, I felt the Holy Spirit. My children learned about reverence and felt the spiritual atmosphere in the meetinghouse. Consistency was crucial; it brought close friendships and a positive influence on my children.”
In April 1994 general conference, Elder Richard G. Scott spoke of healing, testifying that “the surest, most effective, and shortest path to healing comes through application of the teachings of Jesus Christ in your life”
“The Journey to Healing,” Ensign, Sep 1997, 19
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Inspirational Quote
“No woman who understands the gospel would ever think that any other work is more important or would ever say, ‘I am just a mother,’ for mothers heal the souls of men." Sheri L. Dew, Ensign, Nov 2001, 96
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
RS Meeting this Thursday
Come join us at the church this Thursday evening at 7pm. We'll be working on beautifying the landscaping (weeding, etc.) and also learning about Dutch-oven cooking. Even if you aren't physically able to help with the weeding, come and lend your moral support!
Today's Quote
"How I admire men, women, and children who know how to work! How the Lord loves the laborer! He said, 'In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread' (Genesis 3:19), and 'The laborer is worthy of his hire' (D&C 84:79). He also gave a promise: 'Thrust in your sickle with all your soul, and your sins are forgiven you' (D&C 31:5). Those who are unafraid to roll up their sleeves and lose themselves in the pursuit of worthwhile goals are a blessing to their families, communities, nations, and to the Church." Dieter F. Uchtdorf,, Two Principles for Any Economy, Ensign, Nov. 2009, 56
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